農場火鍋的外賣服務,讓您在家也能輕鬆享用火鍋。 從我們豐富的湯底中選擇湯底,並訂購 3-4 人的家庭套餐。 如果您需要更多食物,只需從肉類或點心中添加一些即可。 在家吃火鍋,輕鬆又方便!
Family owned hot pot place with very good service and affordable price. Google Review
Ngọc Hải Trần
Good hot pot restaurant with all fresh seafood, meals and variety of vegetables. Google Review
Angie Ng
A great hotpot all you can eat also comes with a clever triple decker pot that uses the steam to bbq meats! Very delicious and reasonably priced.
William Ching